" PORT DNA is your trusted partner in port development, design and master planning. We specialize in container terminals and ports, offering expertise in automation, continuous process improvement, feasibility studies, capacity modeling, simulation, advanced planning, and phasing to optimize every aspect of your port infrastructure development."

Environmental performace

Operational performace

Social performace

Financial performace

Lyes Chebrek

Is a container terminal professional and a seasoned expert with extensive experience in diverse port environments. I bring with me extensive skills and expertise of a Port Designer – Developer & a Terminal Operations Manager with projects all over the world and Fluent for doing business in EN, FR & AR.

My Professional experience incorporate Container Terminal Operation Management, Terminal Design & Development, Terminal Automation, advanced Operational Modelling and feasibility studies as well as operational Process Improvement…

Is your Terminal future proof
Do you have a strategy and Master Plan for the upcoming 5, 10 & 20 years?
Which operational mode provides most business value
What is the best terminal design / expansion plan that optimises the use of your resources?
Is your Terminal ready for Automation

How can you introduce and transition to a more automated operation?
How will you overcome CAPACITY constraints, maintain cost EFFICIENCY and ensure stable performances during Automation transition?

Which expansion scenario benefit you the most
How does your expansion NPC/TEU, Capex/TEU & Opex/TEU compare to others? …
We have the skills and knowledge to support you develop a Masterplan for your business modernisation and have proven track records for Operational Transformations, Automation definition and Terminal Design.


STS type simulation & Benchmark Model

Equipment Performance Simulation

Berth Occupancy and Throughput Simulation

Trusted by industry-leading terminal operators