Design and Master planning
Port Development & Strategy
- Provide Expertise during feasibility studies, business case development & analysis on the basis of 20 years in the Port Business .
- Lead & Support Terminals with business case modelling and scenarios analysis.
- Perform feasibility studies, Provide reviews and recommendation to Terminal leadership to enable informed decisions making on initiatives or existing project. #Terminaldesign; #Portdesign; #Terminalmasterplanning; #PortMasterplanning; PortAutomation; #TerminalAutomation; #Processimprovement; #Continuousimprovement; #Containerterminal; #Terminaloperations; #Portoperations; #Feasibility study
Container Terminal Design & Master Planning

The Design of container terminals requires a multitude of studies and Analysis as well as an In-depth knowledge of the functioning of container terminals, their technical and operational specificities as well as the port management mode.
The selection of the operational mode must be carried out on the basis of the best compromise between the various requirements and constraints, such as the throughput capacity, the availability of land and berths as well as the key performance indicators of a Modern Container Terminal.
Backed by more than 30 projects, PORT DNA has an In depth expertise and skills to provide you with the following services:
- Container Terminal layout design
- Container Terminal master planning
- Provide or Review traffic safety analysis
- In-depth Review of 3rd Party Design proposals through the SWOT analysis
- Optimization of land usage between Yard, Quay and landside infrastructures
- Review detail Design and IFC Drawings issued by Designer
- Study and elaboration of phasing plan for project development

Due Diligence and Site visit
- Conduct or/& Support clients with Due diligence and detailed examination of the company operating process and performance criteria before becoming involved in a business relationship.
- Review of documentations in Data Rooms during private or Public tenders, merges and/or acquisitions
- Evaluation of current operations and identification of potential quick wins and risks
- Operational audits (Analysis) of current operations process (case dependent)
- High level evaluation of operational assets “superstructure” condition (Visual inspection)
- High level evaluation of terminal asset “infrastructure” condition (Visual inspection)
Documentation & Contracts support
- Support client during Tendering period and review of Bids
- Provide Recommendation for client on optimal OEM solution
- Support client on final negotiation with OEM & suppliers
- Support client to review OEM Solutions proposal during execution