While the port industry agrees that Automation is the way forward, Automation remains a challenging journey.
Weather you decide to go for full equipment automation or for Automation support functions, Automation requires in-depth planning, detailed design, thorough usecases and comprehensive Testing supplemented by Operational and functional requirements for the OEM’s.
On the basis of past Experience in 4 Automated Terminals operational today, and few more currently under development, PORT DNA offers you its expertise and experience and helps you capitalise on previous Automation projects learnings.
Terminal Equipment Automation

- Provide Expertise on Automation definition and prioritization within the terminal operations
- Development of Automation operational requirements for each Operational mode.
- Definition and mapping of Automated operations process flows.
- Development of Automation Operational Hazard analysis (OHA) and Mitigation Plans
- Development of Automation requirements packages for tendering.
- Definition of key performance indicators requirements for automated equipment
- Development of operational usecases scenarios and acceptance criteria
- Supporting clients with Review of OEM proposals related to Automation requirements

Automation of Auxiliary Operations
PORT DNA has a dozen of Automation support projects under its belt, our Knowhow and the Expertise will be put at your service to drive the mapping, design and implementation of Automation support functions within the Terminal operations in relatively short time, avoiding common mistakes and pitfalls and benefitting from previously learned lessons.
Automation Support
- Gate Automation
- Rail OCR
- Crane OCR,
- Horizontal Transport Alignment for Quay and Yard Cranes
- Reefer Monitoring Systems
- Operators support Functions (Divers Automation Features per Equipment)